By supporting us you will be helping to:

  • Showcase Australian, particularly Western Australian films to new audiences;
  • Deliver a uniquely involving and educational screen culture and film making program to schools throughout the South West;
  • Provide a high profile platform for engaging our talented Aboriginal film makers and build an audience for Aboriginal films;
  • Enable Western Australian film makers to build their skills through industry workshops and opportunities to meet national and international film makers at the festival.

From very small beginnings in 2008 we have grown CinefestOZ to being the largest destination film festival in Australia and the event providing the greatest economic benefit to our region.

Each year our Board appoint a small talented team who are supported by a wonderfully enthusiastic band of volunteers we call the Movie Crew. We now proudly generate 60% of our funding from non-government sources, through ticket sales, partnerships and submissions. Your support will enable us to continue to grow this widely appealing screen event and the creative and economic benefits it brings us all.

All donations over $2 will receive a tax receipt and are tax deductible.

For more information about large CinefestOZ donations please email CinefestOZ Stakeholder Manager, Grace Pusey at [email protected]